Monday, September 1, 2008

"Women don't vote with the big head!"

The Daily Show's "senior female & women's issues correspondent" Samantha Bee gives her analysis of why die-hard Clinton followers are now sold on McCain.


Anonymous said...

Well... They did not call McCain and Obama "andrological twins."
Overview of the male anatomy is skipped by the media.

Nonna Gorilovskaya said...

Anonymous relative, you are absolutely right.

barbaragzz said...

I have mixed feelings re: this kind of attacks against Palin. It seems like sexist jokes will always be fair game and never sufficently un pc for pundits to renounce to them.
My stomach hurts when I think of how, in this same context, some communities would react to a similar crude gag made at their expense. Yet women are still expected to always apologise for standing up for themselves... (Hillary don't ever use the sexist card you you YOU pantsuit wearing whiner!)