Jennifer Granholm (T.W.I.T./Flickr)
My hat’s off to Jennifer Granholm, Michigan’s governor, for agreeing to lock herself up with Joe Biden for four whole days during which she will pretend to be Sarah Palin. Like Palin, Granholm is the first female governor of her state, a mom and a former beauty pageant winner (Miss San Carlos, California, 1977). Except, of course, she is liberal and spent more time in the ivory towers (Berkeley—go bears!—and Harvard Law School).
I don’t know if it ever change, but the dynamics of a man debating a man, a man debating woman and a woman debating a woman are completely different. Biden is clearly Palin’s superior in his knowledge of the issues but has the unfortunate tendency to yell, seem too full of himself and blurt out inappropriate things. If he comes off as being condescending, he will lose the debate even if he wins on the arguments. Let’s hope that Granholm will practice some very tough love.
1 comment:
Don't forget the tendency to plagiarize... from college days to presidential campaigns.
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